The Great Reshuffle and how it affects your business continuity

Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, industries saw a rapid increase in employees leaving their respective companies or in some cases the industry altogether. The Great Resignation has since morphed into the so-called Great Reshuffle, as employees have also been hired back into different companies as the markets recover.

This fluctuation has meant a massive shakeup in the business industry, and especially in the world of IT.  In the aftermath of COVID-19, 43% of the workforce has reported that they are very likely to change jobs or even consider leaving their industry altogether. The consequence has largely meant increasing stress on company management; as noted on WeForum, new complications arise in everything ranging from the unpredictability of the customer journey, the difficulty of onboarding and offboarding new employees, and crucially in maintaining continuity and effective performance when experienced workers leave.

Citing Microsoft’s blog article on the same topic, this greater pressure on companies in the case of on-and-offboarding employees is rapidly coming to the fore as a major challenge. One of the measures companies have introduced to try and keep their prospective employees has been a greater reliance on either home office or hybrid office setups. However, this has come at the expense of increased complexity, a rising amount of electronic data being produced, and complication in terms of security risks.


Ensure continuity and simple data retrieval by archiving with TECH-ARROW

This issue can be mitigated by implementing an archiving process. With TECH-ARROW’s contentACCESS archive, files are stored automatically. In this way, it is made easier to maintain an overview of the data being generated and ensure it is available for future retrieval and reference.

Employees receive read-only access to relevant archived files; this has several benefits for productivity, but also for security. Employees can access files they need for fulfilling their assigned tasks, but at the same time in the case of employees being offboarded they are limited in their capacity to interfere with existing stored files and emails.

In the case of a new hire having to pick up their predecessor’s agenda, it also greatly simplifies the task of identifying existing task flows and files by ensuring their historical email chains are preserved.

Improve your online security and employee productivity with our solutions

Are you interested in learning more? TECH-ARROW is happy to help your company rise past the challenges of the current day and thrive. Contact our team for a free consultation and find out how contentACCESS archive can improve security and productivity of your business.


Take the best steps to protect your data – with TECH-ARROW.

Microsoft 365 archive

Source: Microsoft Security Blog

by Matúš Koronthály