I need to find a work email on my phone – what now?

Imagine this scenario – you’re away from your office and away from home, without your laptop, when you get a frantic call. Someone at work needs to find some critical information that was sent to you in an email, but it’s been a long time ago and besides you’re not on your computer. You suddenly need to find a work email in your phone – what now?

The advantages of archives with regards to compliance and data security are well known at this point – but how archives can help boost your productivity is not as well known. For someone in the above situation, contentACCESS can resolve their problem quickly, easily and efficiently.

Our contentACCESS Mobile app gives users access to their archived information, including emails, on the fly. Crucially, it also has access to the same full-text search system as any other portal into the archive. When you desperately need access to some critical information, simply locate it using the search feature before using the built-in sharing feature to send it on to the colleague requesting it. Then you can get on with your day off as normal, without any stress.

Take full advantage of the possibilities archiving can give you! Contact us and see what doors contentACCESS could open for your organization.

Take the best steps to protect your data – with TECH-ARROW.

Archive all your O365 data with contentACCESS

by Matúš Koronthály