For the list of all release notes click here.
The following list will give a quick overview about the newest improvements that officeGATE version 3.9 brings to you:

✓ Creating lookup items directly from list item creation: Create lookup items directly in the item list creation! This feature is not even available in SharePoint, making officeGATE the best tool for increasing your productivity.
✓ Edit documents and document set libraries: officeGATE was previously only displaying the properties in the items view – now it’s enriched with the option to edit them, too.

✓ Faster loading: Since SharePoint is starting to be the preferred solution for many users, we wanted to give it a little boost, too. SharePoint provider now loads much faster in tree view.
✓ EIM integration: EIM allows the user to manage, activate and deploy his templates to SharePoint sites. Thanks to the integration, officeGATE invitations with pre-configured list of SharePoint Sites can be sent directly from EIM by the customer administrator to end users. The end users will be later able to manage their files stored in SharePoint directly from Outlook.

✓ Stability and performance improvements: Lot of stability and performance improvements were made for a much faster and smoother officeGATE experience.