officeGATE version 5.1 details

For the list of all release notes click here.
The following list will give a quick overview about the newest improvements that officeGATE version 5.1 brings to you:


✓ Basic view of folder shares

We added a basic view of folder sharing into officeGATE. In this version, users can see all shared folders and modify the sharing parameters of a shared folder. Now, we are working hard to make the sharing available also in officeGATE.

officeGATE folder sharing


✓ fileNshare support ended

To be able to focus on more valuable connectors we decided to end the support of Lexmark fileNshare. The connector has been already removed from officeGATE.

✓ Performance and stability fixes

Improvements were made to make the system faster and more stable, so your contentACCESS experience could be better than it has ever been before.