Simple electronic records retention or modern secure and GDPR-compliant archiving?

Despite the fact that most companies maintain some form of electronic records retention, and that electronic records retention policies are generally mandated by local legal frameworks, these records may not fully comply with higher standard regulatory requirements like GDPR.

Discussed in PharmTech post and citing Siegfried Schmitt, vice president Technical at Parexel, having standard operating procedures regarding retention is “a regulatory necessity” and “makes good business sense.How long a company must retain their data varies; in the case of clinical data, companies might have to keep their data for up to twenty-five years.

With long retention periods, it is important to consider: what future pitfalls can retaining critical data face? The records can be compromised by any number of factors ranging from simple software updates or installation of new programs and modules, patches, or cybersecurity failures. Retained data can also be damaged or imperfectly captured in the cases of poorly managed system replacement or migration.

Advantages of archiving your electronic data with TECH-ARROW

Our contentACCESS archive solves these issues by isolating retained data from the live server, preventing it against any potential causes of data corruption. Your company’s data will remain fully intact and at the same time compliant with legal regulations.

TECH-ARROW’s contentACCESS archive meets all of the above listed use cases and more; Our archive can guarantee the integrity of your data in our system against threats or mishaps. At the same time, with our democratized access possibilities, it is easier than ever before for employees to continue referencing archived material and retrieving copies as needed without compromising on data security.

In addition to this, our solution comes with a powerful built-in search system and a GDPR module, allowing SOPs and policies to be easily set and put in compliance with even the harshest current legal requirements.

Are you ready to begin retaining your big data in an archive, or interested in replacing your current data management and retention system with a modern and flexible solution? If the answer is yes, contact directly our team for a free consultation.


Take the best steps to protect your data – with TECH-ARROW.

Microsoft 365 archive

Source: PharmTech

by Matúš Koronthály